Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Sometimes I forget that God is interested and concerned about little details as well as the big stuff of my life. He has a way of reminding me. There are many requests I make to God that to me seem insurmountable and even impossible. But, I know that what appears to be gigantic to me is really quite small and really no big deal for the One who created, well, everything. So, if my big stuff is no big deal to Him, then what does that make the little stuff. You know, the little details. Like, lost keys or parking spaces or help to make it through the day, or etc. An amazing thing about my God is that He even "gives a rip" about my small stuff! I tend to think that God only hears me or is only in the big prayer business. For me that's been the "sell my house" prayer and the "build Your church" prayer. Don't get me wrong, those are very important prayers. I'm asking God for those and more. But, what He's teaching me is that He is passionate about me and every single detail of my life. One way He reminded me of this was last week while I was sitting at my son's cub scout meeting. Once a month the cub scouts have their pack meeting where everyone gathers in the fellowship hall of the church where we meet. Each den leader hands out awards for the previous month. One special thing they do to raise money for the pack is sell raffle tickets for baked goods. Each ticket is $1.00. On this night we didn't have much cash on us, so we gathered all the change we could find in the house. Bryce had enough to buy 3 tickets. Not much when you considered there were probably 75 boys all buying tickets. During they night they would pause periodically to call out numbers. One by one the boys would go up and redeem their prize and pick out delicious home-made brownies, cookies, or cakes to take home. As it was nearing the end, I asked God if He would bless Bryce by having his ticket called. It was just a quick little prayer. But, I thought I'd just ask, because I could see the disappointment in Bryce's eyes each time his number didn't get called. As soon as I prayed, it wasn't 5 seconds later that Bryce's number was called. I was amazed. I just thanked God for His care. Now, not every little prayer gets answered like that. God's not a genie that answers every wish we have. But, He used that to remind me how much He cares about it all. Even raffle tickets and brownies.

"Even so, every detail of your body and soul--even the hairs of your head!--is in my care; nothing of you will be lost." Luke 21:16-19


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