Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Kiss It Goodbye

Maybe its because I was raised in a home where money never seemed to be an issue. At least, if it did, I was never aware of it. Or maybe its because I've always tended to take the easy out, play it safe and never "really" stepped out in faith. Whether it was upbringing or personality for some reason the "Christian life" hasn't been that "dangerous". Yes, there have been many difficult challenges, especially as a pastor and dealing with people. But, is being a Christ-follower supposed to be easy? I'm not talking about never having any problems. Of course, everyone has problems now and then. But have we taken away some of the dangerousness of the gospel message...the dangerousness of life change...and replaced it with a message of simplicity? A message that says Jesus doesn't require that much, just believe. I've been challenged in my own personal faith greatly over the last six months. Sometimes I've wanted to have back the less difficult, easier life. I have never been on a journey like these last six months and now I am faced with one of the most difficult, faith-challenging experiences of my life. We are on the verge of losing our home that we put up for sale and left in Florida. It could be foreclosed on by the bank. In fact procedures have already started. Some people told me last August that God would surely sell our house since were were stepping out in faith. And maybe He will because He's God. But, what if He doesn't? What if He's taking us down that path? Here's what I read this morning in Luke 14: 25-33, the Message Translation, "One day when large groups of people were walking along with him, Jesus turned and told them, 'Anyone who comes to me but refuses to let go of father, mother, spouse, children, brothers, sisters---yes, even one's on self!---can't be my disciple. '" Then He said in verse 33 (this is the real kicker), "Simply put, if you're not willing to take what's dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it goodbye---you can't be my disciple" . Wow! "Can't be my disciple". Notice Jesus says this to a group of people who had been following Him. These people liked Jesus and wanted to hear what He had to say. But maybe they had just been hanging around for the free show or the free food. It's like He wants to make it clear to them that the Christ-life is a dangerous life. You have to be willing to kiss it all goodbye and be satisfied with just Him. That is not the easy life. That is the dangerous life, the Christ-life. I could lose my home. The bank could foreclose. My credit could be destroyed. But what is all that compared to Him. I have to be willing to kiss it all goodbye and be satisfied with just Him. So whether I keep it or lose it, keep it or kiss it goodbye, I want to be satisfied with Jesus. I want to be like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 4 when they told King Nebuchadnezzar, "Your threat means nothing to us. If you throw us in the fire, the God we serve can rescue us from your roaring furnace...But even if he doesn't, it wouldn't make a bit of difference, O King. We still wouldn't serve your gods..." Keep it or kiss it goodbye, it won't make a bit of difference if I'm satisfied with just Him.

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