Sunday, April 13, 2008


Saturday night at our second Mosaic Church gathering, my friends Ben and Michelle led us in singing a song by U2 called 40. The words are taken out of Psalm 40, "I waited patiently for the Lord and He inclined and heard my cry, He brought me up out of the pit out of the miry clay." Great song. It got me thinking about Psalm 34 which I had read over several times lately. When we finished the song I shared some of the verses. I love the translation from The Message. It goes like this: "I bless GOD every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise. I live and breathe God..." Those last fives words are amazing words. As I read them last night they stood out like never before. Can I say those words honestly about myself like David...I live and breathe God? At first I really doubted weather that was possible. After all, I have sinned. So, how could one "live and breathe God" if there is sin in your life? But, the more I think about it, the more I remember that David certainly was not without sin. He ordered Uriah's death. He slept with another man's wife. He had family problems. He wasn't a very good father sometimes. He was concerned about numbers. That being said, how could he pen those words? I, like David, have committed murder, because I have hated someone, and Jesus said that was murder. I have committed adultery because I have lusted and Jesus said that was adultery. How could any of us say those words honestly "I live and breathe GOD?" As I wrestled with it the Spirit began to remind me of who I am in Christ. My identity. David could pen those words because of his identity. In Christ I have been made alive. I have been given the spirit of Christ and that spirit is righteous because He is righteous. Like David, I sometimes give in to my old way of doing things without God. But, my spirit is still righteous because it is new. "The old is gone, the new has come." Christ is now my life (Colossians 3:4). "I am crucified with Christ and I know longer live, but Christ lives in me." (Galatians 2:20). So, yes, I can say like David, "I live and breathe GOD". He is my life. He is the very breath I breathe. It's amazing when you think of it. Every time I breathe it gives praise to God. It's His breath. It's His life. So lets take David's advice in Psalm 34:3, "Join me in spreading the news, together let's get the word out." Take a deep breath and breathe GOD!

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