Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sometimes I forget that God is interested and concerned about little details as well as the big stuff of my life. He has a way of reminding me. There are many requests I make to God that to me seem insurmountable and even impossible. But, I know that what appears to be gigantic to me is really quite small and really no big deal for the One who created, well, everything. So, if my big stuff is no big deal to Him, then what does that make the little stuff. You know, the little details. Like, lost keys or parking spaces or help to make it through the day, or etc. An amazing thing about my God is that He even "gives a rip" about my small stuff! I tend to think that God only hears me or is only in the big prayer business. For me that's been the "sell my house" prayer and the "build Your church" prayer. Don't get me wrong, those are very important prayers. I'm asking God for those and more. But, what He's teaching me is that He is passionate about me and every single detail of my life. One way He reminded me of this was last week while I was sitting at my son's cub scout meeting. Once a month the cub scouts have their pack meeting where everyone gathers in the fellowship hall of the church where we meet. Each den leader hands out awards for the previous month. One special thing they do to raise money for the pack is sell raffle tickets for baked goods. Each ticket is $1.00. On this night we didn't have much cash on us, so we gathered all the change we could find in the house. Bryce had enough to buy 3 tickets. Not much when you considered there were probably 75 boys all buying tickets. During they night they would pause periodically to call out numbers. One by one the boys would go up and redeem their prize and pick out delicious home-made brownies, cookies, or cakes to take home. As it was nearing the end, I asked God if He would bless Bryce by having his ticket called. It was just a quick little prayer. But, I thought I'd just ask, because I could see the disappointment in Bryce's eyes each time his number didn't get called. As soon as I prayed, it wasn't 5 seconds later that Bryce's number was called. I was amazed. I just thanked God for His care. Now, not every little prayer gets answered like that. God's not a genie that answers every wish we have. But, He used that to remind me how much He cares about it all. Even raffle tickets and brownies.
"Even so, every detail of your body and soul--even the hairs of your head!--is in my care; nothing of you will be lost." Luke 21:16-19
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Kiss It Goodbye
Maybe its because I was raised in a home where money never seemed to be an issue. At least, if it did, I was never aware of it. Or maybe its because I've always tended to take the easy out, play it safe and never "really" stepped out in faith. Whether it was upbringing or personality for some reason the "Christian life" hasn't been that "dangerous". Yes, there have been many difficult challenges, especially as a pastor and dealing with people. But, is being a Christ-follower supposed to be easy? I'm not talking about never having any problems. Of course, everyone has problems now and then. But have we taken away some of the dangerousness of the gospel message...the dangerousness of life change...and replaced it with a message of simplicity? A message that says Jesus doesn't require that much, just believe. I've been challenged in my own personal faith greatly over the last six months. Sometimes I've wanted to have back the less difficult, easier life. I have never been on a journey like these last six months and now I am faced with one of the most difficult, faith-challenging experiences of my life. We are on the verge of losing our home that we put up for sale and left in Florida. It could be foreclosed on by the bank. In fact procedures have already started. Some people told me last August that God would surely sell our house since were were stepping out in faith. And maybe He will because He's God. But, what if He doesn't? What if He's taking us down that path? Here's what I read this morning in Luke 14: 25-33, the Message Translation, "One day when large groups of people were walking along with him, Jesus turned and told them, 'Anyone who comes to me but refuses to let go of father, mother, spouse, children, brothers, sisters---yes, even one's on self!---can't be my disciple. '" Then He said in verse 33 (this is the real kicker), "Simply put, if you're not willing to take what's dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it goodbye---you can't be my disciple" . Wow! "Can't be my disciple". Notice Jesus says this to a group of people who had been following Him. These people liked Jesus and wanted to hear what He had to say. But maybe they had just been hanging around for the free show or the free food. It's like He wants to make it clear to them that the Christ-life is a dangerous life. You have to be willing to kiss it all goodbye and be satisfied with just Him. That is not the easy life. That is the dangerous life, the Christ-life. I could lose my home. The bank could foreclose. My credit could be destroyed. But what is all that compared to Him. I have to be willing to kiss it all goodbye and be satisfied with just Him. So whether I keep it or lose it, keep it or kiss it goodbye, I want to be satisfied with Jesus. I want to be like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 4 when they told King Nebuchadnezzar, "Your threat means nothing to us. If you throw us in the fire, the God we serve can rescue us from your roaring furnace...But even if he doesn't, it wouldn't make a bit of difference, O King. We still wouldn't serve your gods..." Keep it or kiss it goodbye, it won't make a bit of difference if I'm satisfied with just Him.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Saturday night at our second Mosaic Church gathering, my friends Ben and Michelle led us in singing a song by U2 called 40. The words are taken out of Psalm 40, "I waited patiently for the Lord and He inclined and heard my cry, He brought me up out of the pit out of the miry clay." Great song. It got me thinking about Psalm 34 which I had read over several times lately. When we finished the song I shared some of the verses. I love the translation from The Message. It goes like this: "I bless GOD every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise. I live and breathe God..." Those last fives words are amazing words. As I read them last night they stood out like never before. Can I say those words honestly about myself like David...I live and breathe God? At first I really doubted weather that was possible. After all, I have sinned. So, how could one "live and breathe God" if there is sin in your life? But, the more I think about it, the more I remember that David certainly was not without sin. He ordered Uriah's death. He slept with another man's wife. He had family problems. He wasn't a very good father sometimes. He was concerned about numbers. That being said, how could he pen those words? I, like David, have committed murder, because I have hated someone, and Jesus said that was murder. I have committed adultery because I have lusted and Jesus said that was adultery. How could any of us say those words honestly "I live and breathe GOD?" As I wrestled with it the Spirit began to remind me of who I am in Christ. My identity. David could pen those words because of his identity. In Christ I have been made alive. I have been given the spirit of Christ and that spirit is righteous because He is righteous. Like David, I sometimes give in to my flesh...my old way of doing things without God. But, my spirit is still righteous because it is new. "The old is gone, the new has come." Christ is now my life (Colossians 3:4). "I am crucified with Christ and I know longer live, but Christ lives in me." (Galatians 2:20). So, yes, I can say like David, "I live and breathe GOD". He is my life. He is the very breath I breathe. It's amazing when you think of it. Every time I breathe it gives praise to God. It's His breath. It's His life. So lets take David's advice in Psalm 34:3, "Join me in spreading the news, together let's get the word out." Take a deep breath and breathe GOD!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
As we accelerate towards our first "official" Mosaic Church gathering there is one emotion that keeps trying to push itself to the forefront...FEAR! Of course there are many other strong feelings right now, like excitement and anticipation and relief and hope. But even in the midst of being excited about finally getting started and that sense of anticipation about what God is going to do, there is also a little sense of fear in the back of my mind. Fear...because I haven't spoken in front of a group of people in over 7 months...because there are so many things I want to say on this first gathering, but I don't want to overwhelm...that nobody will show up...that I might blow it...that I might not be creative enough...that I might bore them to death...Fear. One thing that I'm starting to notice as I'm writing this is that I might just have an "I" problem. I've been saying "I" during this whole search of my emotions. I believe God is saying to me that as long as its all about "I" then it won't be about "Me" ("Me" as in referring to God). In my flesh fear desires to take over. But, in Christ, in living His life through me, peace takes over. I have an amazing sense of peace. A peace that goes beyond human understanding. I told my friend Joel last night that this just feels right. Starting Mosaic Church in our house this Saturday night feels right. I'm at peace with that. That is Christ living His life through me. When I allow myself to revert back to my old flesh patterns, fear takes over. It does every time. But when Christ is living in and through me, what do I have to be afraid of? As I was writing, the words to "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" came to mind:
"Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing;
Were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God’s own choosing: Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He; Lord Sabaoth, His Name, from age to age the same, And He must win the battle."
There really is nothing to fear! "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace." Colossians 3:15
"For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory" Colossians 3:3-4
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