"Lord I don't know where all this is going or how it all works out. Give me a peace that's past understanding. A peace that has no doubt." Those are the words to a song by the Newsboys that God used to speak to me. This journey of faith that we're on has twists and turns and bends that are impossible to see around. We're asked to trust. And that's not easy. Sometimes things don't turn out like we imagined or pictured it in our minds. That's when I have to remind myself that the journey is about God bringing me in line with His plans not Him into mine. I was informed today that we would not be able to lease the Culpeper 4 Theater as the place where we could meet for worship. That was a real let down. I really wanted that venue to be the place where we met as Mosaic Church. That, plus the struggle financially and the fact that our house hasn't sold yet in Florida, has really challenged my faith...my trust in God. Obviously God has different plans than I had for where Mosaic will meet...I'm content with that. His ways are always better, yet they're not always clear from the beginning. But, He knows where all this is going and how it all works out. I choose to trust.
I can't imagine the difficulties associated with starting a new church. Just wanted to pass this along. This morning I saw some excellent encouragement on the Desiringgod.org blog:
Thanks Chris, Duane
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