Everyone should experience the holidays with two year old triplets. It's one I will never forget. My brother, David, and his wife, Dana, came to visit us from Florida with their 5 yr. old, Daelyn and their 2 yr. old triplets, Cameron, Carson, and Rachael. Christmas was rather quiet in comparison until the family showed up in their 30 ft. RV the day after Christmas. The next four days their never-ending instructions filling the air like: "stop that", "leave your sister alone", "come 'ere, come 'ere...", "don't grab the kitty", "get down from there", "give her that toy back", and "who's that smell coming from?" Our days were filled with trips to the National Zoo, Lincoln Memorial, and National Christmas Tree in Washington D.C., and Fun Land in Fredericksburg. At night when the kids finally went to bed we were all too tired to do much else but go to bed ourselves. But what fun it was and I'm so glad they came!
When I think about my little nieces and nephews I am reminded how much I sometimes act like a 2 years old in my walk with Christ. I sometimes have to be told the same thing over and over by the Lord before I finally obey. I'm not always friendly and I don't always like to share. When I've done wrong I'd rather go hide. I can be good at telling God about other's faults. I can really make a mess sometimes. But, unlike earthly parents, who, because of their humanity can become a little stressed and impatient sometimes with their children, my heavenly Father never looses patience with me His child. Father's grace is inexaustible. Father's mercy is unending. I feel undeserving when I make a mess of things, yet Father reminds me everyday that I am His.
"The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love...he does not treat us as our sins deserve...as a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust." Psalm 103: 8-10, 13-14