So many lessons to be learned on this journey of faith. One of the many that I'm learning is to be faithful wherever I am, in whatever situation I'm in, and with whoever I'm able to come along side in their journey. A new guy started working part-time at Sears a couple of weeks ago. He's a pilot part of the week and needed something part-time to help with the bills. I know what it's like to be the new guy at work so I'm trying to help him learn the ropes as quickly as possible. The other day as we were unloading the semi-trailer full of appliances and stuff into our stock room, he began telling me about being laid off from his pilot job that same week. He and his wife and son moved here from Northern Virginia to get out of the rat-race, like many others, but now he's facing some pretty tough times ahead if he doesn't get another pilot's job soon. He has a big house and an even bigger house payment. What do you say to someone in this situation? I don't have the answers for our economy. I live in a community where over 150 homes have gone into foreclosure since the beginning of the year. All I knew to do was share a little bit of our story and how God has done some amazing things. I told him about John, whom God had sent into our lives to buy our house and keep our credit it tact. I used our experience to tell him that God can do something amazing in his life too. I can't guarantee him anything. But, I know first-hand of God's faithfulness to me. I read about it this morning where Samuel reminded unfaithful Israel, "God, simply because of who he is, is not going to walk off and leave his people" 1 Samuel 12:22. Since then, he has asked me questions and it has opened up a conversation that I hope will continue and hopefully lead him to Jesus. As a Christ-follower, the end of my journey is already settled, but what I do along the journey is for me to decide. Will I come along side of others as a fellow traveler and help lead them in their search for knowing God? I don't know how all this is going to turn out, but even if it's just to help one person on their journey to really know God, it will have been worth it.
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