Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Doing Life Together

One of the things I am learning on my journey is how to do life together. Over the years it seems as though I've become rather independent. When I say that I mean that I really don't need anyone else outside my family. I've always had plenty. My last pastorate I was paid quite well for the size church and community. I really didn't need anyone else. Not to say that I didn't need God. Of course I needed Him, but my life with my fellow "Christians" was far from what I read about in Acts where the church "had all things in common" and they shared and met one another's needs. They even sold land to help one another out. They were really dependent on God and He met their needs through each other. Now God is teaching me what it means to do life together. Its one of the core values of Mosaic. We aren’t interested in being a church where a lot of people get together for an inspiring service but never move beyond the casual arm's distance relationships of an auditorium. We want to grow by really "doing life together." Community is knowing and being known, loving and being loved, celebrating and being celebrated, and serving and being served. To help me learn how to do life together God has brought Joel and Dana along with us. They came with us here to Culpeper to help us launch Mosaic. Joel and Dana have helped me begin to learn what it means to do life together. They continue to bless us when we are in need. I never have to ask. God is using them to teach me to receive. I've never been good at that. It's my pride. Somehow its been engrained in us to never admit that we have a need. Pride. God is gradually removing pride and teaching me how to do life together. Its how life should be...getting below the surface and really loving and being loved. Thanks Lord for using Joel and Dana to teach me on the journey.


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