Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Pew Has Left The Building!

"We're giving away the pews from the choir loft" we heard the pastor say this morning at a church my wife and I attended. The church is going through a remodeling phase and the pews in the loft have to go. He said, "Anyone who would like to have one can take one. They're free." As I thought about the offer I wondered what would someone do with a pew at their house? I couldn't imagine anyone using one or replacing one of their couches for an uncomfortable pew! What would be the purpose? Maybe it could be a memento or a piece of furniture that would spark conversation by those visiting your home or maybe it could be considered an antique. Whatever it's purpose would be it's still out with the old and in with the new. The old pews are out the door and being replaced by something new. The old pews are leaving the building, never to be brought back again. They have no more purpose in that sanctuary. That's Apostle Paul said about Christ followers. He said, "anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The OLD LIFE IS GONE, a new life burgeons" 2 Corinthians 5:17 (The Message). When I received my new life by faith in Jesus Christ, my old life was crucified with Christ and buried, never to come back again. I rose with him a new man. Sometimes I can try to accomplish things in my flesh, but my old man, my old nature is gone. He has no purpose in this sanctuary any longer. He has left the building, never to return. When Jesus creates something, "It is good."

1 comment:

Pete and Cindi Olsen said...

Hey Duane,
We've settled back into Ontario and I've retrieved my motorcycle from Newfoundland and things are starting to get back to "normal". I miss the North but like you said, we need to leave the old behind. I got work at a larger church here and I'm excited about it. I've sort of been ahead of the pack in my enthusiasm about Christ and living the Christian life and this new church is really focused on people and on faith walking in a new and unique way. I'm excited!
It's so good to be able to catch up on your blog and I do enjoy your thoughts and musings. the idea that we are journeyers together really rings right for me. You go man and thanks again for the encouragement. I do so love your blogs.
Formerly from the North,
Now in the South (Canadian wise)
Always in His Kingdom