Friday, March 21, 2008


I'm being taught so many things on this journey. It seems that I encounter situations and people everyday that Father is using to bring about either changes in my life or deeper understanding of Him or greater insight into what it means to be a Christ-follower or being light in darkness. I'm learning to live out Philippians 2 where Paul tells us to put others needs above our own. Now I have found that somewhat easy to do around my family...most of the time. I mean I really do put my kid's needs before my own. I have gone without so that my kids could have. Most of the time I put my wife's needs before mine...not always...but most of the time. I can be selfish. Okay, some of the time I put her needs before mine. But, where I really struggle is with those I really don't care for. You know...those hard-to-get-along-with people. Sometimes they can be the person you work along side of everyday. Putting their needs above my own can be difficult. I struggle with it sometimes. In my job at Sears we work on an hourly wage plus commissions based on sales. It can be very competitive. There is a temptation to be dishonest with my fellow employees. For instance, when someone calls and wants to buy an appliance, but they want it put under my fellow employee's number so that they get the commission. I have a choice. I could put the sale under their number or not. The customer would never know. So, I have a choice. Put their needs above my own or not. I'm growing. I learning to put my selfish desires aside and let Him live His life through me. It's not easy. I haven't always been honest. I have failed, but God in His grace is growing me. Thank you Father for your grace.

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