Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pumpkin Carving Party

A couple of years ago, Mechelle came up with a great idea to help us get to know our neighbors. She organized a pumpkin carving party. It was always a lot of fun. This year she wanted to continue the tradition so we invited the neighbors over last Saturday night. Both our neighbors and their kids came over along with Dana, Melody and Micah (Joel had to work). There were twelve of us down in our basement were we had put up lights and decorated. We carved pumpkins, ate chili and Mechelle's famous apple slices and toffee. We also homemade pumpkin ice cream. At the end we put candles in the pumpkins, turned off the lights and had a great time admiring all our creations. We gave away prize for the best. Everybody had a great time. Its just another way we are trying to reach out to our neighbors and be good friends to them.

One thing we are passionate about here in Culpeper is that we are not just going to "go" to church or even just "start" a church, but we want to "be" the church. Not a building but Christ's body reaching out to this lost world.

Don't just "go" to church, "be" the church!


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